You will need to update your refund details to enable us to refund your deposit via the electronic banking system. You will need to do this, even if you have paid your rent by direct debit. Failure to complete this step will result in a delay of your deposit being returned to you.

To provide your refund details please follow the steps below:

1. Log onto the DIGS Portal 

2. Go to your 'payments' section from your dashboard

3. Select Refund

4. Complete your refund account details, if you don’t hold a UK bank account, please provide us with your IBAN/Swift code.

5. Please ensure that you provide the sort code without dashes

Deposits will be returned to the account provided within 10 working days of the contract end date (not the date that you depart). You will be able to view any charges that have been added to your account from the checkout through the DIGS Portal 

To view your charges on the DIGS portal please visit your statement section, you will be able to see your charges, and what these are for.  If you are unsure where your statement section is, or need help with viewing any charges please get in touch with us. You will receive an email confirming your departure after you have departed, and any charges will show following this email. The departure confirmation email will also contain information on how to dispute any charges you do not agree with, you should do this within 10 days of receiving the email. 

If you are rebooking with us your deposit will roll over to next year minus any charges unless you request otherwise. You will be required to top up your deposit to £100 prior to moving back into the property in September.